ETS Networks was incorporated In 2010. It got its start in 2006 as "Ed Tatsch Support" when the owner, Ed Tatsch saw a need for an IT company that was able to be the IT department for small businesses. Ed was aware that many small businesses were not in a financial position to hire a full time IT team and yet having their own IT team was a pressing need.
ETS Networks, Inc. wants to help your technology work for you and your business.
Our mission is to provide exceptional Managed Services for our clients in Asheville, Hendersonville, Arden and surrounding Western North Carolina (WNC) areas.
Providing our clients with Managed Services, our clients experience less day-to-day technology related issues and have more time to focus on growing their businesses.
Contact us today if you are ready to move away from the break/fix mentality of only fixing your technology issues when they are at a critical or emergency situation. We are here to partner with you to help you get your technology to be less needy. We have policies and procedures in place, that when our clients implement them, they have more time to focus on growing their businesses and less time worrying about the most depended on equipment in their workplaces.
It is your time.... How will you spend it...?
One call can begin the process toward getting the support you need to help
your business run smoothly.
ETS keeps you up and going through the goal of minimizing your downtime. We do this by implementing policies designed to protect you, your computer and your network. We then perform audits through monitoring and regular checks to ensure that alignment is maintained.